Resolution for the Creation of the Management Association of Compton College
Whereas Compton College Board Policy 2510 describes Participation in Local Decision Making for the Academic Senate, Staff, and Students, and the policy assigns Consultative Council as the official body of these representatives’ joint involvement, and nothing in this policy will be construed to interfere with the formation or administration of employee organizations or with the exercise of rights guaranteed under the Educational Employment Relations Act, Government Code Sections 3540, et seq.,

Whereas Compton College Board Policy 7250 delineates the constitution of an educational administrator in instruction and student services, and BP7260 identifies a classified administrator other than an educational administrator being a classified supervisor or manager,

Whereas the Compton College Collaborative Governance document highlights the principles of community as diversity, creativity, accountability, and transparency for all individuals and the expertise they bring to the Collaborative Governance process,

Whereas, outlined in the definition of Collaborative Governance, Administrators, Managers, and Supervisors lead, organize, plan, supervise, consider the needs of faculty, and value collaborative governance based upon the recommendations made with faculty colleagues,

Resolved, that the Administrators, Managers, and Supervisors be identified as the Management Association of Compton College to represent the collective voice of non-contracted managers in collaborative governance and other matters and address and resolve issues of concern to the Management Association with the Board of Trustees of the Compton Community College District or its designee, which includes consulting and giving respectful consideration to the opinions expressed by the Management Association before taking action in the following areas: 

  • Management professional development activities
  • Management evaluation procedures
  • Management hiring procedures
  • Management wages, hours, and conditions of employment
  • The Management Association also appoints noncontracted managers to college committees, task forces, or other groups dealing with the issues listed above.