A primary reason we are moving forward with this action is to increase support and transparency, as well as to extend participative governance to more administrators, managers, and supervisors. The best way to encapsulate this action is through the lens of an inclusive organizational reset or amendment. In reacting to the current state of affairs at Compton College, we align with the belief espoused by Arthur W. Jones, “all organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they get!”

  1. 63.6% of LA County Community College Districts believe it is important to offer managers the agency to participate in the life of the College and recognize this reality by working in coordination with their District's management association (6 Districts or 6 LA County Colleges) or bargaining unit (1 District or all 9 LA Colleges).
    1. This accounts for 15 out of the 19 colleges in Los Angeles County, or 79% of all LA County Community Colleges.

  2. It appears Compton College has been designed to limit collegial discussion and recommendations by administrators not assigned by the President/CEO.
    1. The current structure appears to limit the spirit of the Principles of Community (p. 6, Collaborative Governance), which state,
      i. "Compton College welcomes contributions of the community at large to promote diversity, creativity, accountability, and transparency. Through Collaborative Governance, all constituent groups work together, in good faith, to make decisions related to policies, procedures, and practices for the benefit of the students and community that we serve.
      I.   Diversity - We embrace and uphold the culture, achievements and unique contributions of all stakeholders. 
      2.  Creativity - Collaborative Governance values creativity, including the perspectives and viewpoints of all constituents at Compton College.
      3.  Accountability - Accountability defines roles, responsibilities and timelines, and leads to evidence-based decision making.
      4.  Transparency - Collaborative Governance commits to open communication and collaboration amongst all stakeholders in the recommendation and decision-making process."

      ii. Through President/CEO assignment of administrators and managers to institutional standing committees, administrators/managers and those not appointed miss the opportunity to hear/comment on the perspective being brought back to the committee on issues that impact the management ranks. 
1.  This infringes upon the spirit of Collaborative Governance.
2.  Creates an environment of limited information passed on to stakeholders.
3.  Limits the ability to express diverse perspectives based on manager experience.
4.  Shudders the possibility of there being more creativity sent forward.
5.  Impacts accountability, by limiting committee members ability to hear from colleagues that might have more knowledge on the subject matter.
6.  Leaves a stain on the concept of transparency by limiting the voice of all administrators in the recommendation and decision-making process.

3.  It has always been the will of the administrators that the President/CEO maintain his position at the College. We recognize his diligence and impact on bringing Compton College back as an accredited institution. However, for the on-going success of the College, we recommend the right-setting of the organization by encouraging the Board of Trustees to transfer administrator, manager, and supervisor right of assignment to the Management Association of Compton College. In so doing, Compton College will for the first-time be allowing all employees to benefit from the true intent of the Collaborative Governance document, full participation as stakeholder groups. 

  1. Understanding that the President/CEO and any manager/administrator may apply for jobs at other institutions, it is only prudent that we organize our community in a way that will help stabilize the College structure for the future.
  2. Since 15 out of 19 LA County Community Colleges utilize an administrator/manager structure similar to what’s being recommended by the Management Association of Compton College, and Los Angeles is a microcosm of California, it is likely the current President/CEO could land in a system that operates similarly to 79% of all LA County Community Colleges.
  3. Currently, the administrators of Compton College are not governed by any bargaining unit or association that conveys its relationship to the College, and are the only constituents identified as individual administrators, or, as listed on p. 9 of the Collaborative Governance document,
    1. Administrators/Managers/Supervisors (p. 9) - As outlined in the definition of Collaborative Governance, Administrators, Managers, and Supervisors lead, organize, plan, supervise, consider the needs of faculty, and value collaborative governance based upon the recommendations made with faculty colleagues. Collegiality is a reciprocal obligation that is central to Compton College's recommendations and decision-making process. (Underline, bold and italics added)
    2. Definition of Collaborative Governance (p. 5) - Collaborative Governance at Compton College is the cornerstone necessary to achieve the mission, vision, and strategic initiatives of our institution. Decisions at Compton College are the result of the participation and collaboration among all constituent groups, including the Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, staff, and students. Collaborative Governance ensures diverse and creative input, transparency, and accountability so that decisions made will drive student success at Compton College. (Underline, bold and italics added)
    3. Administrators are currently not represented at Compton College as a constituent group. They are assigned to be on committees by the President/CEO as individual administrators and the information conveyed within their committees is never brought back to the constituency because there is no group in existence.
    4. Therefore, the Collaborative Governance Flow Chart as depicted on p. 13 of the Collaborative Governance document is not fully operable because Recommendations do not pass-through Discussion with Administrators/Managers/Supervisors as intended for truly accountable and transparent decision making.

~ For the success and economic stability of families in the feeder districts of Compton, Lynwood, and Paramount.